

Install git

How to build

  1. git clone
  2. cd RootAsRole
  3. cargo xtask install -bip sudo
The installation process requires CAP_SETFCAP privileges and also grants full privileges to the user who installs, making them privileged by default.

What does the installation script do?

The installation script parameters explaination:

  • cargo xtask install -bip sudo
    • (-b) Builds the project
    • (-i) Installs necessary dependencies
    • (-p) Use the sudo command to perform administrative tasks

Install script does the following:

  • Dependency Step :
    • Installing necessary dependencies considering if compiling from source.
  • Build Step :
    • Building sr and chsr binaries
  • Install Step :
    • Copying sr and chsr binaries to /usr/bin
    • Setting all capabilities on /usr/bin/sr
    • Setting owners and permissions on /usr/bin/sr
  • Configuration Step :
    • Deploying /etc/pam.d/sr for PAM configuration
    • Deploying /etc/security/rootasrole.json for configuration
    • Setting immutable on /etc/security/rootasrole.json if filesytem supports it