1.0.0 (August 2018)

RootAsRole initiated by SIERA IRIT CNRS research team with Ahmad Samer WASAN as owner of the proof of concept. It is presented for the first time at "Le capitole du libre" in Toulouse. A paper is published%%cite{wazanRootAsRoleSecureAlternative2021}.

2.0.0 (August 2019)

RootAsRole is still a proof of concept but now proposes an eBPF subprogram to obtain the capabilities of a generic command. A paper is published at Computer and Security%%cite{wazanRootAsRoleSecurityModule2022}.

3.0.0 (September 2024)

RootAsRole direction is delegated to Eddie BILLOIR, a SIERA PhD student that contributed to the project all along its courses. It is now entirely rewritten in Rust, the eBPF subprogram is now in a separate project called RootAsRole-capable. The project takes a new direction and aims to be production ready with a massive reconception of every tools, a new configuration file format and complete documentation.